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Keep Calm and Kingsday is coming!

Yes once a year we Dutchies celebrate the birthday of the King of the Netherlands and we do this by putting on orange clothes as our King William last name is "van Oranje" or from Orange yes it is original as Oranges are from Spain. Either way we have celebrated through 3 Queensdays for over 4 decaces but now we have a king and instead of Queensday it is Kingsday and during the day people sell their used toys and there are markets all over Holland where the common man can sell & trade goods without paying taxing. yes our King is nice.

Then at Night all the bands and there are DJ's playing on every market and yes Holland still has the most renowned DJ's in the World including our own DJ Marc van Brabant who is from the Province Brabant that has brought our best dj's such as Sander van Doorn, Tiesto, Dannic, R3hab, and so many more!

What to expect Music Wise, as usual we try to encompass a true dutch Bar feeling where you can talk about the old cows out of the creek and drink a couple of beers but then like any good dutch Pubs it will play some cool classic dutch Pub songs which is not limited to the Godfather of Pub Music Andre Hazes and now is continued by his son! Also we will be Nostalgic and play old the classic Dutch music from the 80's and 90's and even the Kaas music or Cheesy Music as did you know the Venga Boys were from Holland. So are the 2 brothers on the 4th floor and 2 unlimited and so many. more. Yes even some Dutch Rock yes the Van Halen brothers were born in Nijmegen and we all know twilight zone and radar love by our own Dutch Rock band Golden Earing.

Besides the 80's and 90 Dutch Music includes our own ska band Doemaar and some great rock songs sang in Dutch such as Van Dikhout, DeDijk, en Acda & Munnik then we have some of the best fun music and there a ton of 1 hit wonders that people did not even know there were dutch.

Plus yes as the Netherlands was influenced by Suriname and the Dutch Antilles we have the best Soca Rap and Reggaeton all sang in Papamiento and in Dutch plus our Dutch Rappers use some tight bass lines thanks to our genius and creative producers. So yes if you are young you will love the Feestent with rappers such as bizzey, kraantje pappie, Polska, etc Plus onze eigen brabantse rapper Gers pardoel!!

Plus as the Night progresses, DJ Marc van Brabant will play all the Greatest Dutch DJ's in the world from the early Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, and F. Legrand to all the SVD, Ferry Corsten, and all the Sick Individuals, Dannic, Oliver helden, and so many more yes it will be popping!!

What to expect people wise

Well first of all Dutch People ranged from 21 years to 75 years old all dressed in Orange snacking on Drop and Cheese and ready for some dry conversation with a super dry humor and as we say nuchter humor or sober humor but that will be replaced by long dick dancing and an incline to climb furniture and pump their hands in the air like a nineties Danzel seeking attention at a skihut party. Then after a couple of more drinks they will make join a conga line and walk in circles yelling some Dutch Stuff.

Then there will be an entire Expat community that has visited Amsterdam during Kingsday and wants to reminisce the good time they had in Holland even though they don't wont remember correctly as they just remember floods of orange people & dancing after having some spacecake! However they are fun and we will embrace them like our own.

There will be some Irish people that frequent the Pub and every year they can't believe their ears as now they found out they have been banging to Dutch Gabber and Hardstyle such Mental Theo, Paul Elstak, and all the Happy Hard Core that is probably 75% created in the Deep Netherland's Party Scene! We will embrace them as well

Then there will be all the au pairs, nannies and horeca (bar and waitstaff) people that love the Jumpstyle and new hardcore hip hop and love their kettle one cocktails and just want to dance and yes we embrace them as well.

Oh yeah the people that have been here 20 years and are established and just want to have a Borrel and listen to some Organ music and have some Gouda Cheese and have a Jenever and talk about the tulips, dikes, and economic reform of the Euro. They are embraced as well although they will go home at 11pm as their babysitters are partying at the same party :)

So come have a taste of the Netherlands and celebrate this Crazy Dutch Kingsday Night it is tradition with an Orange Twist.

The MvB Crew with NLBorrels